Monday 8 April 2013

Link Buzz: National Beyonce Day; Robert Pattinson's Dior Ad is Sexy

Link Buzz: National Beyonce Day; Robert Pattinson's Dior Ad is Sexy:

  • In honor of National Beyonce Day (which was yesterday and is not actually a real national holiday...yet) here are a million times (okay: forty times) Beyonce's been on the cover of a magazine. [Fashionologie]


  • Also, here's her new Pepsi commerical. [BellaSugar]


  • Here's what it's like to have Michelle Smith create a special one-of-a-kind Milly handbag for you. [FabSugar]


  • Emma Watson covered British GQ. Wow, they did not give her a lot of clothing to wear. [DailyStab]


  • Intermix is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a special designer-y capsule collection. [SheFinds]


  • Kristen Stewart is apparently jealous because she thinks Robert Pattinson's not-yet released Dior ad is too sexy for the public. Anyone else setting a Google Alert for "Robert Pattinson" + "Dior"? [StyleBakeryTeen]


  • In really awesome, amazing news: a judge today ordered that the FDA provide unrestricted, over-the-counter access to the Morning-After Pill for all ages. [NYTimes]
Image via The Gentlewoman

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