Monday 8 April 2013

Giving Away Three Stylish Camera Bags by Cheeky Lime and Locho

Giving Away Three Stylish Camera Bags by Cheeky Lime and Locho:

Giving Away Three Stylish Camera Bags by Cheeky Lime and Locho cheekylime

Anyone need a new camera bag? This week we’re doing a giveaway for stylish new camera bags by Cheeky Lime and Locho. These are two brands of bags for women and men (respectively) that focus on function meeting fashion.

Cheeky Lime (shown above) is a line of bags for women. Prices range from $98 for a classic camera bag to $159 for a larger bag. Locho (shown below) is a new soon-to-arrive line of camera satchels for men. The bags are made of vegan leather and will cost $175 each when they launch.

Giving Away Three Stylish Camera Bags by Cheeky Lime and Locho locho

This giveaway is for three (3) bags. Two winners will have their choice of any Cheeky Lime bag, and one winner will receive a Locho men’s bag of any color.

Entering this giveaway is extremely simple. All you need to do is answer the following question:

What’s the one word you would use to describe your photography?

Leave your answer as a comment below and you’ll be entered in the giveaway!

For a bonus entry, “Like” our official PetaPixel Facebook page below, and then leave a second comment with your Facebook custom URL (only the custom part. e.g. comment with petapixelcom if your Facebook URL is http://www.facebook.com/petapixelcom).

This contest will end Thursday, April 11, 2013. We’ll randomly pick a winner using random.org and update this post. Good luck!

A big thanks to Cheeky Lime and Locho for providing the prizes for this giveaway!

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