The location of the mosque is the Abu Ghosh village, which ispartially populated by ethnic Chechens.
Construction is already underway. The mosque is being built on astreet named after ex-Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov, who wasassassinated in 2004. The mosque will also be named after thedeceased president, the father of the republic's present leader,Ramzan Kadyrov.
“This will be the second-largest mosque in Israel, after theholy Al-Aqsa. Two of the towers have already been built,”Russian MP Adam Delimkhanov said after visiting the Israelivillage.
Al-Aqsa, the third-holiest site in Islam, is located in the OldCity of Jerusalem and the largest mosque in Israel. It sits on theTemple Mount, which is also the holiest site in Judaism.
The idea for the construction of the new mosque is to strengthenthe relationship between Israel and Russia, stated Ramzan Kadyrovas he promised to visit Israel to attend the opening ceremony.
The decision to finance the construction was made after thelocal residents failed to collect enough money to build the mosque,the Chechen government website says. The exact cost of the projectremains unknown.
The mosque will be decorated in the Chechen tradition andlanguage/culture courses will be organized for local ethnic Chechenpopulation.
“These people emigrated to the Middle East five centuriesago. They want to preserve their national identity and culturalidentity. This is worthy of deep respect. It is important tointroduce them to our traditions,” said Kadyrov.
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