It follows a Wednesday protest that saw eighteen arrests in a marchthrough East Flatbush, where Gray was shot to death by police onSaturday.
Protesters chanted "How do you spell racist? NYPD!" and"They say get back, we say fight back!" at police, who wereheavily present at the three-hour-long rally. However, the sloganswere by most accounts the most intense feature of the protest,which passed without arrests or violence.
As with the last three marches through the neighborhood, therewas a virtual absence of media, leaving activists to do theupdating via social media and livestreams.
Demonstrations began on Monday, two days after police shot Gray four times inthe front of his body and an additional three times in the backwhile investigating the teen after he adjusted his belt"suspiciously."
Hundreds returned to the streets of East Flatbush on Tuesday in a demonstration organized by localadvocacy groups including the New Black PantherParty.
Officers involved in the shooting and some witnesses say Graywas brandishing a weapon, while others who were present say therewas no gun.
Following the shooting Gray was rushed to a hospital, where hewas declared dead on arrival. Police said there is no evidence thatthe officers - who have not been identified - actedinappropriately, though they have been placed on administrativeleave.
Police also said Gray had an arrest record that included noconvictions, but charges for theft and inciting a riot.
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