Monday 15 April 2013

Hacker 'Weev' Sends SoundCloud Message From Prison

Hacker 'Weev' Sends SoundCloud Message From Prison: Weev
The classic definition of a hacker is somebody who uses their ingenuity to tinker and modify things to make them do what they were not designed to do. In other words, someone who gets around hurdles with smart "hacks." With that in mind, it shouldn't be too surprising that Andrew Auernheimer, more famously known by his hacker name, Weev, has found a way to make his voice heard on the Internet, even when he's locked up in prison.
On March 18, Auernheimer was sentenced to 41 months in prison for accessing an AT&T webserver that contained 114,000 email addresses of iPad owners, and sharing the information with Gawker. Post sentencing, Auernheimer is being held in the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), awaiting transfer to the Lewisburg penitentiary in Pennsylvania Read more...
More about Hacker, Prison, Us World, Us, and Weev

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