Tuesday 26 February 2013

Russian billionaire nominates 1-year-old son for Aeroflot's BoD

Russian billionaire nominates 1-year-old son for Aeroflot's BoD:
There are 14 people proposed to Aeroflot's Board of Directors intotal. Among other nominees, put forward by the National ReserveBank, which is owned by Lebedev Senior, are the Bank's CEO, AndreyManoylo and Director of Macroeconomic Research at Higher School ofEconomics, Sergey Aleksashenko.
Current member of Aeroflot's board of directors, famous activistand blogger Aleksey Navalny hasn't made it to the list of nomineesreportedly at his own request, voiced to Aleksandr Lebedevpersonally. Navalny was originally nominated for the position byLebedev himself, but it's rumored he hasn't lived up tobusinessman's expectations.
The meeting of Aeroflot's shareholders is scheduled for June 24where 11 final candidates will be chosen.

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