Monday 25 February 2013

Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Movie: The Movie 2V’ Spoofs Every Film Ever

Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘Movie: The Movie 2V’ Spoofs Every Film Ever:

What does Hollywood do when it has a smash hit? Cheapen it with sequels, of course.
Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel has caught onto this trick of the silver screen mogul and has released a sequel to his first film. It's called Movie: The Movie 2V and, much like the first one, it "revisits" reoccurring themes, motifs and plots of blockbuster movies of the past.
Translation: Kimmel again mercilessly parodies every cliché and stupid movie technique found in every film ever -- mostly those of the vampire/zombie persuasion with bits of rom-com and action thrown in.
SEE ALSO: Matt Damon Kidnaps Jimmy Kimmel
Kimmel also employs an A-list cast to star in his movie. Movie: The
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More About: jimmy kimmel, Movies, parody

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